domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

Wearable_Dynamics research

Wearable_Dynamics Research

Director: Paola Tognazzi

Wearable_dynamic research is a company created by Paola Tognazzi, which purpose is to associate artists with common interests in designing interactive tools based on the artistic phylosophy of:

1- Changing the dynamic motor of human body
2- Developing ergonomic full-body interfaces to control audio-visual immersive environments.
3- Creating an infrastructure and a modular network.

W_space from paola tognazzi on Vimeo.


The future is in using the whole body and not only the hands.

The future is in simple tools able to provide a wide range of sensorial and learning experiences allowing virtuosity.

The future is in highly intuitive and simple tools that can be used by everybody to develop creativity and to have an entertaining experience.

It is the duty of a mature creator to present his/her work in such a manner that the public is able to understand it; this assures authentic and pertinent reactions by the audience - and therefore communication between the artist and the public.

For more informations contact:

Paola Tognazzi 0034-622496254

video links:

A new multi-users interactive instrument, for live audio editing and composition.

11 December 2009 Premiere of the performance TameMe_SuperNow by Paola Tognazzi at Milano in Digitale Festival E-Volution.

Tame Me Super_Now it has been designed to bring out the inside voice of the audience's body as a main protagonist. It gives the public the opportunity to have the intimate and very enjoyable experience of creating a dialogue between them and their own bodies.
The system has been designed to be as simple and essential as possible, in order for it to become invisible once it's worn. Not an extension of the body any longer, it melts with the body, it becomes the body and the sound it produces.
I never thought of my work being provocative but in a way it is. It confronts people with the relation they have with themselves and with their own body, inextricably connected with their sensuality, the border between mind and body eroticism.

Am I making you uncomfortable? I've seen how you look at me and you are wondering how it would be like, you see I'd like to play with you but I can't, I'm not tamed. What does it mean?
It is a process, whereby we become accustomed to each other. Right now to me you are a person just like another 1000 persons I don't know you, you don't know me. I don't need you, and you don't need me. But if you tame me, to me, you will become unique. I will collect any material associations with you, I will use these items to create a map of you in my mind. We will need photos, clothing, gifts, books, journal entries. You will fill my home of memories and 1 day i will wake up and find myself in your home bed awaiting you. And I will whisper to you: I know the sound of your steps, i know your smile, the color of your hair, the light in your eyes, the way you hold a cup. When you are not here all those details make me think of you. I won't deny the presence of danger in this process but "Please tame me!". I want to, very much. What should I do to tame you? It's very simple. Time, you only have to give me your time, and you have to be patient. First you will sit down at a little distance from me like that-in the grass out of the corner of my eye, and you will say nothing. But you will sit a little closer to me, every day..." closer, closer, closer! Second, you have to come back at the same time," so that as the moment approaches the pleasure of anticipation will fill me with joy. If you come at just any time, I will never know when to be ready. You see it's very simple ritual that only requires time and punctuality...

System Design, Concept & Direction: Paola Tognazzi
Enrique Esteban Garcia (Monster Electronics)
Recordings texts:
Izaskum Escandon, Chris Sugre, Carla Capeto, Jodi Gilbert, Albert Van Veenendaal
Leonor Soto
Special thanks:
Raúl González

Co-production: Wearable_Dynamics, Milano in Digitale and Fondazione Dars.


L’installazione interattiva Wearable dynamics pone l’accento su alcuni tra i più importanti temi dominanti nella riflessione estetica contemporanea. La cosa che mi ha maggiormente colpito, entrando e vivendo dall’interno l’opera, è la velocità con la quale si assume come propria l’estensione dei sensi, rappresentata dai “bracciali” indossati. Immediatamente si entra dentro il proprio fluire con la sensazione che ogni piccolo movimento generi suoni; questi vanno a comporsi in modo equilibrato nella misura in cui il fruitore stesso cerca e trova un proprio equilibrio di movimento e di coscienza del proprio fluttuare nello spazio circostante.

Si percepisce con sempre maggiore chiarezza il principio dell’interazione, che non è causa/effetto ma perfetta sintesi tra i due.

Avvertiamo il corpo espandersi e superare quella soglia, il limite dentro-fuori, dove la pelle fa da spartiacque, da zona imprescindibile di delimitazione tra le due dimensioni, intra ed extracorporea. Un limite che è stato culturale prima ancora che fisico e che oggi viene sempre più messo in discussione.

Avere un sensore sul braccio, sulla gamba, un qualcosa di impercettibilmente minuscolo la cui esistenza il nostro corpo stenta a riconoscere, ci veicola nella mutazione che sempre più assumeremo in futuro: una diversa consapevolezza del nostro corpo e della propria relazione con l’altro da sé. Le tecnologie potranno favorire l’aumento delle nostre coscienze percettive. L’arte, ancora una volta, pre-vede e pre-sente il mondo a venire, e ce lo fa assumere con visionarietà e bellezza.


All rights reserved. The copyright for all material published on this site is reserved. Any replication or use of content such as images, audio and texts is not permitted without Paola Tognazzi’s written consent. The use of the published contact address for marketing purposes is also strictly prohibited.

© Paola Tognazzi

Datos personales

Paola Tognazzi studied at the MTD and SNDO Art Academies in Amsterdam graduated in 2001. Worked as assistant of Sasha Waltz in Nobody, with Min Tanaka in Japan, Executive Producer of Studio Azzurro Milan, with Total Brutal by Nir De Volff/Berlin. Her work was shown at Melkweg Amsterdam, Sophiensaele Berlin, Bek Norway, Steim holland, Medialb-prado Madrid, Matadero, La Casa Encendida, La noche en Blanco Madrid, Monty Belgium, Milano In Digitale Evolution, University Comutense, Feria RetroMadrid, Camon, Beijing Cervantes, Pradillo...Since 2008 founded Wearable_Dynamics.